Marine Conservationist and Sustainability Educator
Today we are speaking to Carissa Cabrera, marine conservationist, sustainability educator, and climate activist. For the past 10 years, Carissa has focused on ocean recovery efforts related to endangered species, ecosystem restoration, conservation financing, community outreach, and environmental literacy. Carissa’s work, company, and media projects are united by the shared goal to increase accessibility to climate education and accelerate conservation action on a global scale. We discuss the ocean as the answer to climate change, our perspective on offsets, and media as a powerful tool to share our message.
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Rebel topics:
How the ocean and its inhabitants are the answer to climate change
Prioritizing authentic content to create community and educate the public
The pros of starting your own venture
The primary danger for animals
Ocean climate action plan
Surfing as a passion and aid for climate change
…and more!
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