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Episode 07

 Changing our Relationship with Carbon

with Lisa Conway,

VP of Sustainability for the Americas at Interface

Today we are speaking to Lisa Conway, VP of Sustainability for the Americas at Interface – the global flooring manufacturer that is changing the game with their carbon storing flooring. She is passionate about bringing awareness to the interconnectedness of environmental sustainability and human health.

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We chat about flipping the carbon narrative and the value in becoming a “carbon lover.” Lisa gives us a deep dive on Interface’s “beyond zero” tiles and why flooring has more of an impact on the environment than you think. We dive into Lisa’s transition from sales to sustainability and thus proves you don’t need a formal education in sustainability to make an impact! We thought we were carbon lovers, but Lisa has the ink to prove her love! 

Rebel topics:

  • Flipping the narrative about carbon 
  • Maintaining a “healthy disdain for the impossible”
  • Interface’s founder and origin story 
  • “Beyond zero” carpet tiles 
  • How you SHOULD be using offsets
  • What’s the EC3 calculator? 
  • …and more!

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